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What if we tailgated people in person, like we do in our cars?

Tis the be a shitty driver!

Here is why I say that: 
I was driving the other day and just like every other day, someone felt the need to crawl up my ass and ride my bumper in traffic. Now, I say "in traffic" because there was a lot of traffic! I could not physically drive any faster. 
The person behind me decided that his day was way more important than any of the other 6000 cars in front of me and that I should be the one to move out of his way.

So that made me think, what if we walked around in public like we drive?

For example, if you and I were at the grocery store and I decided that I needed to get to the Totino's pizza faster than you did, what if I just got right up in your business and started "tailgating" you with my body? 

I'll tell you what would happen, I would either get punched or I would have charges filed against me for harassment. But somehow this behavior is completely acceptable in our vehicles.

That being said, I tried this experiment on some of my friends. While walking into a building, I just got all up in their business and walked uncomfortably close to them from behind. 

Their reaction? 

What the hell are you doing???? 

Then they started getting dodgy, moving from side to side to try to deter me from "tailgating" them, to which I responded by staying right on their backside, swerving, dodging, and sticking to their "bumper" like glue. We ended up laughing hysterically, but it proved my point....walking like we drive is completely inappropriate! 

(Side Note: Thanks Jolene, Jessica, Rylee, Christina, and Christa for playing along and not punching me.)

Now, don't get me wrong, I have tailgated a car or 27 in the past week, but it is usually because they are driving too slow in the left lane (that is a whole other conversation) but I would never assume that I can get in your personal space while walking.

Think about it, especially the next time you are out in public. Would you want someone to ride your ass while walking around...or would you be comfortable enough to ride someone's ass in public? advice...GET OFF EACH OTHER'S ASSES - think of your car bumper as the front of your body - would you get THAT close to someone if you weren't in your car? I'm gonna say "no". 

It's a pretty simple idea - don't be a dick, don't drive like shit, and please, for the love of all that is good and Holy, give the person in front of you a little space. 

Drive safe you maniacs!

Links to all of the pics I used (because I don't own them - Thanks Google!) Also, a couple of them are actual stickers that you can buy off of Amazon or EBay!


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